
Trackswitch requires jQuery and Fontawesome to be included to work, e.g.

<!-- ... -->

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="trackswitch.min.css" />

<!-- ... -->

<div class="player">
      Example trackswitch.js instance.
  <img src="mix.png" class="seekable"/>
  <ts-track title="Drums" data-img="drums.png">
      <ts-source src="drums.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
  <ts-track title="Synth" data-img="synth.png">
      <ts-source src="synth.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
  <ts-track title="Bass" data-img="bass.png">
      <ts-source src="bass.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
  <ts-track title="Violins" data-img="violins.png">
      <ts-source src="violins.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>

<!-- ... -->

<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4="crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="trackswitch.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        jQuery(".player").trackSwitch({spacebar: true});

<!-- ... -->

Alternatively you can of course use Browserify.



Each track is contained in one ts-track element and must contain one or more ts-source elements:

<div class="player">
    <ts-track title="Violins">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

Note that each ts-source should always contain a closing element.

Fallback Audio Files

Due to a messy Browser compatibility situation it is recommended you define multiple ts-sources with different formats for each ts-track.

It is recommended, but not required, that you to define the MIME type in each ts-source.

<div class="player">
    <ts-track title="Violins">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
        <ts-source src="violins.mp4" type="audio/mp4"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
        <ts-source src="synth.mp4" type="audio/mp4"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
        <ts-source src="bass.mp4" type="audio/mp4"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></ts-source>
        <ts-source src="drums.mp4" type="audio/mp4"></ts-source>

Track Styling

You can use CSS to style each individual ts-track element:

<div class="player">
    <ts-track title="Violins" style="background-color: #156090;">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth" style="background-color: #15737D;">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass" style="background-color: #158769;">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums" style="background-color: #159858;">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

Player Behaviour

The player allows for several different settings to be enabled or disabled. This is done using a settings object, for example:

var settings = {
    onlyradiosolo: true,
    repeat: true,

Any combination of the following boolean flags is possible, where the indicated value depicts the default value.

Additional Player Elements

You can add aditional elements directly into the player, e.g. a paragraph <p> with some custom styling.

<div class="player">
    <p style="text-align: center;">Example with padded and centered text.</p>
    <ts-track title="Violins">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

Example with padded and centered text.

Additional and Seekable Player Image

You can include images related to the audio content, which can optionally act as a seekable play-head area (similar to the SoundCloud player for example). In the example below, the player below will contain two images, the first of which will also act as a seekable player. Any number of the images can be set, but only one seekable image is acceptable.

<div class="player">
    <img class="seekable" src="mix.png">
    <img src="cover.jpg">
    <ts-track title="Violins">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

Seekable Image Start/Stop Margin

As you can see, the start end end times of the plot don’t exactly match with the seekhead. In this situation you can specify the seekable area margin for each seekable image.

This can be done by specifying the start and stop points as a percentage of the image using the data-seek-margin-left and data-seek-margin-right attributes.

<div class="player">
    <img class="seekable" data-seek-margin-left="4" data-seek-margin-right="4" src="mix.png">
    <ts-track title="Violins" data-img="violins.png">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth" data-img="synth.png">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass" data-img="bass.png">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums" data-img="drums.png">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

Seekable Image For Each Track

You can optionally define a more specific image to replace the default when a particular track is played back in solo. This is done by adding an image link in the data-img attribute of the chosen ts-track element, as seen below.

<div class="player">
    <img class="seekable" data-seek-margin-left="4" data-seek-margin-right="4" src="mix.png">
    <ts-track title="Violins" data-img="violins.png">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth" data-img="synth.png">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass" data-img="bass.png">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums" data-img="drums.png">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>

In the example above, there is a default image as well as specific images defined for the track.

You do not need to define a specific image for every track. If there is no image defined for a track when it is soloed, the default image will be used.

Seekable Image Styling

The images can be positioned using normal CSS (eg, width and margin properties). For non-seekable images, this style can be applied using the style attribute.

For seekable images this style must be defined in a ‘data-style’ properly rather than the usual ‘style’ property.

<div class="player">
    <img style="margin: 20px auto;" src="cover.jpg">
    <img data-style="width: 80%; margin: auto;" class="seekable" data-seek-margin-left="4" data-seek-margin-right="4" src="mix.png">
    <ts-track title="Violins" data-img="violins.png">
        <ts-source src="violins.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Synth" data-img="synth.png">
        <ts-source src="synth.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Bass" data-img="bass.png">
        <ts-source src="bass.mp3"></ts-source>
    <ts-track title="Drums" data-img="drums.png">
        <ts-source src="drums.mp3"></ts-source>